
Submit a design request!

Instructions for requests

Need a design? You’re in the right place. Here’s some things you should know.

Requests for design services must be submitted, at least, 14 days prior to the need by date, unless special approval is given by the Communications Director. The Office of Communications cannot guarantee the completion of tasks requested outside of these guidelines.

Designs are limited to two revision rounds per request, after the original iteration is produced. This means, after you put in a request, a designer will email you a first version. You can ask for edits on things like font, font size, colors, layout, etc. You will then get another version with those edits, and you can ask for edits on that one too! Then, you’ll get your final product. Please keep in mind, if you don’t like the design, that’s okay! However, let the designers know after the very first iteration is produced so that the issue can be addressed early and you can get the design you want without wasting the designers’ time.

Sample form filled out

We know filling out a design request form can be hard and a bit confusion, so we’ve provided a sample form filled out below. This is to give you an idea of the answers that will be most helpful to the designers as they get ready to work on your request.

NEED BY DATE- We do not take requests that are not submitted at least 2 weeks in advance. *


Event Date *

Please use N/A if not applicable to design.


Event Time *

Please use N/A if not applicable to design.


Event Location *

Please use N/A if not applicable to design.

HUB North Ballroom

Event Name and Description *

Please provide a brief description of what will be happening, or the purpose of the event. Feel free to include links to further information.

Our event is meant to highlight the achievements of ASUW Members which have gone above and beyond their job descriptions. There will be speakers, food, and refreshments – it’ll be a party of sorts.

Audience *

Who will you be targeting with this design?

ASUW Employees, interns, Advisors

Personality of Design

(Use keywords of what feelings you’d like to get from your design: warm, friendly, modern, etc.) * What type of design do you want? Serious, colorful, funny, cartoon, photographic?

Fun, colorful, but also consistent with UW branding. We want it to look like an awards banquet, but not too fancy. We like the style of the last link and the layout of the first link provided!

Mandatory Elements *

What must appear on this design? (Ie: Logos, photos, etc.)

OComm Logo, ASUW Logo, party hat graphics, award ribbon graphics

Avoidance Elements *

What do you not want to see on the poster (i.e.: Faces, names, colors, etc.)

No specific names, faces, or pictures.

Please include any past projects, or links to designs you enjoy and envision on your design.

(Do not mark as N/A, our designers can complete your project much faster with inspiration.) *

These can be links to posters that you like, company branding you want to model, or even a Pinterest board – anything that will help them have a better idea of how you want the design to look.

Example links.

Design Copy: *

Please copy and paste any and all text that needs to appear on the poster. PLEASE ENSURE YOU PROOFREAD IN THIS SECTION. If you do not yet have copy prepared please indicate where and when it will be available.

“ASUW Awards Ceremony

Join us for a night of honoring exceptional ASUW members!

Food and drink will be provided

HUB North Ballroom

March 16th, 2017


Other notes:

Anything else that would be helpful for us to know about this project?

Please come talk to us if you have any questions or need further inspiration!